Why RE/MAX Premiere Selections:


Both buyers and sellers prefer our convenient Rockville Pike location.


National Statistics prove that RE/MAX agents are the most experienced and well educated in the industry. You can put your trust in a name you know.


When you are making the largest purchase of your life it is comforting to do business with a name you can trust. RE/MAX agents are the most experienced in the industry. Our agents average more transactions and have more professional designations than any other nationally ranked company.


The RE/MAX name brands you as a full time professional. Easy access to the office and plenty of free parking means no hassles when you need to just run to the office to pick up something.

Thousands of potential buyers and sellers see our sign every day.


To be a productive professional you need to work in a productive environment

NO "Newbies"

Yes, at one time we were all inexperienced, new agents.  However, new agents have lots of time to talk and a thousand questions to ask.  This takes time away from you and your clients.  You need to be with a team of experienced professionals like yourself.

Tools to help you

Our "Design Center" containing over 1,100 free marketing pieces help you attract serious buyers and sellers. Our nationwide system of agent to agent referrals means you always get your share of referrals. Our TV ads drive buyers and sellers to RE/MAX.COM where their inquires go directly to your mobile device.

You will enjoy working with our friendly family of experienced agents.


  • Over 30 years experience as a Realtor
  • Graduate of the Realtors Institute
  • Licensed in MD, VA, & D.C.
  • Former teacher at Montgomery College of "Principles and Practices for Sales People
  • Served many years on the Contract and Clause committee, also on the Buyers Brokerage Sub-committee
  • Served on both the Professional Standards and Arbitration Committees



Expand Your Services

Here at RE/MAX Premiere Selections we do more than just sell houses.  Our agents make money from every facet of the real estate industry.

  • Home Sales
  • Commercial and Industrial Sales
  • Commercial and Industrial Leasing
  • Business Brokerage
  • Appraisal

Triple your Service Area!

Since M.R.I.S. contains data from the entire region, you should be with a company licensed in MD, VA, & D.C.  That way, no matter where the client is located, you can serve their needs (and of course, earn a commi$$ion.)

(301) 299-1000 or
(800) 546-7362

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